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Preference For Ripple XRP Surges Among BSC Whales
12:04pm, 17th July, 2022

Preference For Ripple XRP Surges Among BSC Whales

There has been a long ongoing lawsuit between Ripple (XRP) and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Throughout the case, Ripple’s native token, XRP, has not seen any progressive growth. This stagnation in its price move has lin...
BSC Flash Loan Attack: The Three Copycats
3:16pm, 24th July, 2021

BSC Flash Loan Attack: The Three Copycats

A series of attacks compromised several Binance Smart Chain (BSC) projects in May. Following PancakeBunny, its three forks projects — AutoShark, Merlin Labs, and PancakeHunny — were also attacked using similar techniques. PancakeBunny suffered the mo...